Meet our

Affiliate Staff

Kahya Fox

Kahya Fox

Executive Director
Beth Archer

Beth Archer

Affiliate Director
Amy Smith

Amy Smith

Sustainability Director
Natalie Heneghan

Natalie Heneghan

Community Outreach Director
Sarah Mihalovic

Sarah Mihalovic

Finance Director
Lauren Plantz

Lauren Plantz

Operations Assistant
Staff_Sprague, Anna

Anna Sprague

Development Manager
Staff_Leibold, Kelly (1)

Kelly Leibold

Volunteer Coordinator
Staff_Weihe, Kaitlyn (1)

Kaitlyn Wiehe

Sustainability Coordinator
icon of person with safety helmet

Stefanie Kline

Sustainability Coordinator
icon of person with safety helmet

Marlie Sullivan

Marketing AmeriCorp VISTA
icon of person with safety helmet

Amy McKnight

Finance Assistant
Staff_Smith, Ralph (1)

Ralph Smith

Office Manager

Construction Staff

Jeremy Reed

Jeremy Reed

Construction Director
icon of person with safety helmet

Eric Watkins

Construction Manager
icon of person with safety helmet

Jorge Lopez

Construction Site Supervisor

Michael Rivers

Construction Site Coordinator

Erik Dahl

Construction Site Coordinator
Adam Oldre

Adam Oldre

ReClaim Supervisor
icon of person with safety helmet

Braxton Haines

ReClaim Specialist
David Sanders

David Sanders

RePair Manager
icon of person with safety helmet

Neil McCluhan

RePair Supervisor
icon of person with safety helmet

Scott Koenig

RePair Specialist
icon of person with safety helmet

Ryan Leum

RePair Specialist

ReStore Staff

Staff_Tribble Nancy

Nancy Tribble

ReStore Director
Staff_Olsen, Taylor (1)

Taylor Olsen

ReStore Manager
Staff_Fauske, Heather (1)

Heather Fauske

ReStore Receiving Assistant
Untitled design

Katherine Ethen

ReStore Receiving Assistant
icon of person with safety helmet

Mason Brandt

ReStore Receiving Assistant
icon of person with safety helmet

Royce Pochowski

ReStore Donations Driver
icon of person with safety helmet

Orion Roen

ReStore Donations Driver

Board of Directors

Neal Zygarlicke,
Badger Corrugating

Vice President:
Gretchen Coleman,
 Associated Bank

Matt Thompson,
Wipfli, LLC

Steve O'Malley,
Community Volunteer

Judy Bouffleur, Community Volunteer
Andy Towner, Wieser Brothers, Inc.
Colin Fleming, CCF Bank                               
Becky Goche, English Lutheran Church
Erin Hanson, State Bank Financial
Lexi Renk, ​Kwik Trip
Alec Schwartz, ​Fowler and Hammer
Sarah Siefkes, ​Thrivent
Melanie Straate, FOX2548
Brian Fukuda, Boys & Girls Glub of Greater La Crosse
Katelyn Doyle, Johns, Flaherty & Collins, S.C.